Category: POPULAR

Zug rent versus Swiss rents

Is Zug the most expensive rent in Switzerland?  Unfortunately the answer is YES!  Or fortunately for the ones that own property in our canton.  In the data released by BFS (Bundesamt für Statistik) or also know the National Office of Statistics, Zug came on top of the list with 1,818CHF per month.  This is average net monthly rent without charges and heating costs.  The average of the entire country is 1362CHF/month, which means that Zug is 33% more expensive than the National average.   Zug was found more expensive than Zurich and Geneva to my surprise.  I was also...

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The Swiss Weather

COMIC OF THE WEEK: The Swiss Weather Monday to Friday: Sunny and hot.  Weekend: Rain. ☹ Somebody is playing a joke on us.  It is warm and sunny while we are at work.  It is raining during our free time, especially the weekends.  NO?  Look at Hercules for example.  Working so hard during the week, he looks outside and it is beautiful weather.  He is thinking of all the fun things he will do outdoors during the weekend, at his time off.  And when Sunday comes, it is raining.  Why Swiss Weather?  Why?. ABOUT Every week I will publish...

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I met Danu within weeks after I arrived in Zug.  I had just released the Zug rocks song.  He asked to see me.  I met him at his previous office at the old train station house behind Chamerstrasse.  Danu welcomed me with generous compliments.  He said that the song was the best piece of marketing that the Canton had ever produced.  He was almost upset why he had not thought of something like that.   I returned the compliment by confessing that I came to Zug because of his events.  It is true.  When I googled Zug, the images of...

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Public sentiment Survey

I created this survey based on what I ask my family and my friends, since the pandemic started. This is not a scientific survey commissioned by any official organization. It is not designed to be analyzed in depth to form an action plan. It is an attempt to find out how you feel, what is on your mind, what is the sentiment of the crowd. Out of interest and compassion. These are the questions we all have and that’s why I designed the survey so you can see the answers directly after you answer yourself. The survey is 100%...

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Believe it or not? Zug Stories Vol. 1

There is something about Zug.  Zug is special.  Zug has stories.  Everyday stories.  Unbelievable stories.  Weird stories.  Controversial stories.   Lots of Zug stories.  So let’s play a game with all these Zug stories.  I will give you stories.  Some are real.  Some are not.  Can you guess it right?  Monday to Friday, on my Instagram account, I will reveal which ones are true and which are not.  Let’s go! Loud screaming in the Old Town! It is Wednesday night.  It is a rather warm night.  Beginning of summer.  This summer.  A middle aged couple is enjoying a good bottle...

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Ein Interview mit Karl Kobelt, unser Stadtpräsident von Zug

(Interview with Karl Kobelt in English) Als Karl Kobelt zu einem Interview zustimmte, war ich aus den naheliegenden Gründen überrascht, aber vor allem beeindruckt. Die Teilnahme am neuen Zuger Blog zeigt eine aufgeschlossene, moderne und selbstbewusste Führungskraft. Das Gespräch, das wir in seinem Büro hatten, bestätigte all das und noch einiges mehr. Wir haben beide etwas gemeinsam: Er ist neu im Amt des Zuger Stadtpräsidenten und ich bin neu in der Stadt. Das war also die Grundlage für dieses Interview. Ich bin ein neuer Einwohner in Zug und würde gerne mehr über ihn, den neuen Stadtpräsidenten, und seine Pläne...

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Free Zug

Free Zug.  No, the canton is not in danger of a hostile takeover.  Not free Willy or free your mind.  Well, both too, but this post is about the even better meaning of free.  As in what is for free at Zug, what costs nothing.  Why?  Why write about free stuff in Zug?  Well, by now you know that I write about what we all care and we care about the free stuff, no?  But the truth is that this is my answer to a challenge I was given last Saturday.  I had a debate about how expensive Zug...

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Zug Quiz – How much of a Zuger are you?

Take the Zug quiz.  Tell me on Facebook and Instagram what you think.  Share with your friends. ZUG QUIZ As a pedestrian, are you waiting for the green light to cross, even if the street is empty for miles?  Of course! It is the right thing to do. I am used to it.  Most of the time. Unless I am in a hurry. Like running to catch a train or a love at first sight.  Never. I am faster than the Zug drivers anyway. Do you “Gruezi” everybody when you get out in the morning, even before having coffee?...

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Zug mail disaster

I am desperate indeed. Honestly I do not know how to go about this.  I just do not want all this Zug junk mail in my mailbox.  As you can see below, I put the stickers (TWO OF THEM) that clearly and politely say that I am not interested in all these brochures, ads and newspapers.  OK mine are not as elegant as the guy’s next door, but even himself, with this beautiful and luscious sign, he still gets the junk.   What is your problem with Zug mail, dude? – Although I should not have to be apologetic...

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Zug: The richest place on earth

I had one of those rare days that I felt a bit down, a bit uncertain, a bit doubtful.  Did I do the right thing to move here?  Is Zug too small for me?  Does size matter?  What is it all about?  Will I be pretty?  Will I be rich?  Que sera, sera.  Whatever will be, will be.  The future’s not ours to see. The wise lyrics of Doris suddenly gave a more upbeat tone to my day. My best friend finished the job.  Meaning that he put me back to my usual happy camper mode during our daily...

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